Monday, December 2, 2013

Colours of the Wind

Picture spam of the load of nail polishes I wore earlier this year... when my nails were in good shape.
I can't keep them this long now, idk why :(

These are super ancient, from March and April mainly.

A England Saint George
This is just so gorgeous...worth all the oohs and ahs.
Shimmer from deep within.
What more can I say?
I chose to wear this for my birthday!

Color Club Fashion Addict
Nail art! Once in a blue-est move. The tape part was done with Color Club Wild At Heart and Color Club Revvvolution.
They must be the most affordable yet awesome formula holographics. Wasn't easy getting my hands on them though!

Color Club Revvvolution
After Fashion Addict got a bit chipped I refreshed with this grey beauty.

Essence Hazelnut Cream Pie
One of my favourite nude. It has a beautiful hidden purple shimmer.

Femme Fatale A Tisket, A Tisket
This was the delicate glitter phase. Wore this to Austria and it's so springy and beautiful.

Happy Hands Motherboy
sandwiched between layers of OPI Care to Danse
Another delicate spring glitter combination!

Innisfree 83 Herb Yoghurt
This is probably my favourite colour but least favourite yoghurt out of the collection. Bad formula, thin, runny. And there was only large hex glitter so it didn't look as pretty as the rest.

OPI Mermaid Tears and Innisfree Girl's Skirt
<3 this!
So nice that I took a photo of it with my Norwegian rock. It was supposed to be a forest green rock but it died under the sun :(
This is totally a mermaid dream if that's all I can say!

Ozotic 617
Look at the scattered holographic goodness.
It's so blazingly blue yet so holographic.
I hate it when some holographic nail polishes became too metallic or too holographic that the base colour cannot be seen.
I'm so tempted to get more Ozotics given the awesome formula!

piCture pOlish Kryptonite
My very first and only.
The bottle is much smaller than I expected.
But I could die for this scattered holo green.
It's like a glass shard, glimmering from deep within.
Sadly it comes at a price :(

Color Club Haul

Catrice and Essence Haul from Austria
I don't feel that much for them anymore.
Not since Catrice has appeared in Singapore. And Essence is in Singapore.
I wonder why they aren't in the UK...

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