Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Losing Touch

Today was/is such a bummer! Been unlucky with commenting and online shopping and offline shopping in general.

The offline part first - I decided to go the Bras Basah Complex Popular to buy some stuff and when I reached there it was slightly over 7pm and it was closed! There opening hours is only till 7pm! :(

Online wise...

I FAILED to get anything I wanted tonight!
If anyone is selling the LP dress and MGG top in white please email me at windy156@gmail.com :)

So the first piece I failed to get is this Strawberry Tarts Dress and it's because I didn't receive the mailer and didn't know they were launching at 9pm. I had been eyeing it since I saw the preview on facebook :(

The second piece is this MGG Little Eyelet Bell Sleeves Blouse in  White. Technically I even put an alternative colour but didn't get it as well. And I commented within 10-20 seconds when they launched?!?!
Honestly I wonder if I'm secretly blacklisted but I hope not :(
But seriously, almost everytime I want an item from MGG badly I NEVER GET IT. For unknown reasons. And the rare 2 times I emailed to ask because I commented within 5-10 seconds I was told they were simply sold out. 

Yes I'm a sucker for anything long sleeve, bell sleeve, have eyelet and white shirts. 
All these combined = MUST GET

The worst part is I will fail to attend all their self collections and have to rely on expensive and unreliable postage!

The TTR Fairylights Maxi Skirt in Indigo and Creme!
It's on what's available and XS is actually available. But I'm not sure if I should get them. I don't have a single maxi reason being I am not sure if I will ever wear it out. My dad will think it's way too glam. 
Should I?

Okay on the bright side, I save money.
But you know, sometimes you are just too upset you didn't get the thing you were lemming for... so...

Like I haven't even managed to find the TTR Penny for your Shorts in White XS yet!!!

Okay, here are some stuff I actually managed to order from F21 a few weeks back, hope they are arriving soon!
All are buy 1 get 1 free deals except the Scallop Eyelet Top. But it's also a good deal :)

Meanwhile I'm like ordering 30 nail polishes from Taobao to try out Frankening or something. I'm mad.

I'll try to clear backlog soon! But I'm quite busy with all the random rubbish going on recently :(
When I get everything settled I'll be carefree!

I think I sound a bit angsty and disappointed in this post. Oh well.

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