Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy Pills

Well, I haven't been busy actually, just trying to look for a job, with no luck unfortunately! Here are some Instagram updates :D

(I have no idea why blogger uploads my photos in random order when I upload them from the phone!)
I hate the order of the photos but editting/moving them makes the whole post screwed up and messy :(

Happy Pills for TTR's 100th! :D


Gorgeous shophouses

Roof :)

Fat hamster's new favourite position to sleep. On her pee... The dirty hammies love to poop and pee on the wheel. Then they "clean" it up with their fur...

Zzzz-ing like a pig

Very big and fat right?
But I love her loads, I really hope she stays fat and lives to her ripe old age! 
Her father just passed away on 27th April :(

Hamster mountain in hamsterland. Just shows how lazy I am... 

Sometime over the weekend I did spring cleaning and found a lot of junk. I was too busy to do spring cleaning during Chinese New Year so I have to catch up now...

I used to be am still mad about Pokemon! Last time I used to eat Twisties everyday to collect these...
Can't imagine the amount of twisties I ever ate O:
Yes I have the entire collection O:

Also can't believe I used to do beading...
Trying to paint the underneath of my drawers yellow :D
I must be too free...
This is painting like Andy Warhol.

Muji socks!

I officially have too much knitwear. I have 2 layers deep of this and much more.

Finally managed to get my hands on the F21 $5 camis :D 
Great basics, but the quality really differs even from the same batch. Length and size differs too.
The apricot one is so much thinner than the mint piece. Even the picture shows it!
Nevertheless, still a good investment. I love my cream and black pieces the most.
And... I splurged at F21 that day, and today I finally collected my F21 spree loots.
Shall review them soon, meanwhile let me be miserable over my splurging.

Seashells collection! I really collect a lot of junk :D

My pretty white wallet. Can't bear to use it in case it turns yellow :(

Hourglass necklace from F21. Part of the splurge.
It was the last one so I had to right... ;)
Plus it pairs with everything!

Alright, abrupt ending... shall review my loots next entry, and blog about Titanic!

Any questions ask me on Formspring:

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